Hello, According to the home page of this challenge:
"The LAST SUBMISSION of the participants ranked better than baseline2 in the feed-back phase will be submitted automatically to the final phase to determine the winners".
According to this rule, the last submissions of Hana.Inst.Tech and DXY0808 are worse than baseline2, and they should not have the opportunity to enter the final phase. Why can DXY0808 still select the previous commit to enter the final phase? Please give other participants a reasonable explanation, thank you
Posted by: Letrain @ Aug. 23, 2019, 6:25 a.m.Dear Letrain,
The literal meaning of the message on the home page:
"The final blind testing will start August 20. The LAST SUBMISSION of the participants ranked better than baseline2 in the feed-back phase will be submitted automatically to the final phase to determine the winners. This submission will be tested on five new datasets. "
is that, for a participant, given the set of all his/her submissions that are better than baseline2, we choose the last one. So it doesn't really mean that his/her overall last submission should be better than baseline2. Besides, the rules doesn't really apply anymore since we never manage to have the automatic forwarding feature for final phase. Finally all we did in final phase was making submissions manually.
So it was not 100% clear whether the last submission should absolutely be better than baseline2 to be eligible for final phase. To clarify this point, we decided to open the choice of submission to use after a discussion among the organizers. And we did send a message to all participants before the end of feedback phase, containing a clear message:
"If you wish to use another submission (different from the one on the leaderboard) for final phase evaluation, please send the submission ID of your submission to: autodl@chalearn.org"
(you should find this message in your inbox too)
After all, what's really important is whether a team does have made a valid submission in feedback phase that is better than baseline2. It's always up to the participant to decide which submission he/she wishes to use. So we sent the message to all participants and DXY080 and Hana.Inst.Tech sent us the info on the submission they wish to use. And these submissions are known to be better than baseline2 because they were shown on the leaderboard. We think this is legitimate.
Thanks for you understanding.
Best regards,
The AutoDL challenges organizers